Section Chair's Welcome
Welcome to the Real Estate Probate and Trust Law Section ("REPTL") — the largest and second oldest section of the State Bar of Texas. The Section will provide periodic updates on the programs and activities of the Council, along with informational e-blasts to advise of significant developments in the law or your practice requirements. REPTL will continue its contract with the Texas Real Estate and Probate Institute (“T-REP”) in order to obtain information on significant bills affecting real estate, probate and trust law and provide legislative updates to our members.

Following are some of the benefits you receive with your REPTL membership!

CLE Discounts: REPTL sponsors several TexasBarCLE programs and Section members receive a $50 discount to each sponsored program. What does that mean? One CLE discount for just one course is more than the annual dues to be a REPTL member! The sponsored seminars where this discount is available are:

Real Estate
*Water Rights 101
*Changing Face of Water Rights Course
*Real Estate 101
*Advanced Real Estate Law Course
*Advanced Real Estate Drafting Course
*Advanced Real Estate Strategies Course 
Estate Planning and Probate 
*Building Blocks of Wills, Estates & Probate Course
*Intermediate Estate Planning & Probate Course
*Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course
*Estate Planning & Probate Drafting Course
CLE Library: Section members have access to a fully searchable library of articles from the leading real estate, probate, trust, and elder law seminars held in Texas. (For help with your website login, email the Section webmaster.)

REPTL Reporter: The REPTL Reporter is emailed to you quarterly and provides a wealth of information, including case law updates and articles in the areas of real estate, probate, trust, and elder law.

Legislative Updates: Legislative updates for the 2023 legislative session for estate and trust and real estate are posted on the Legislative Updates page on the Members Only area of our website. (This area is password protected.) Each report summarizes significant legislation in the respective area of law.

REPTL Leadership Academy: We graduated our first class of the Leadership Academy in May 2017. The program is designed to encourage active involvement and participation of young lawyers in Section activities by giving them an opportunity to become involved in substantive work of the Section, by providing networking opportunities with practitioners from all over the state, by mentoring young attorneys to develop them into future leaders, and by promoting the Section through various projects and services. Applications are being taken for the 2024-2025 Leadership Academy class. Eligible REPTL members may apply now!

Texas Title Examination Standards: REPTL, with the Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law Section, co-sponsors the Texas Title Examination Standards Committee. This committee publishes the Texas Title Examination Standards which are widely used by members of the Section.

If you are a current member, we welcome you back and look forward to an exciting year. If you are not a member or you are a law student, we encourage you to click the "Join REPTL" button. For $30 you can start taking advantage of the many benefits of a REPTL membership. We hope that you will make full use of the resources REPTL provides and let us know how we may better serve you.

Melissa J. Willms, Chair
Real Estate Probate and Trust Law Section
State Bar of Texas