REPTL Joins Other State Bar Sections
in Supporting the
Texas Access to Justice Foundation

REPTL has made a $30,000 contribution supporting the Texas Access to Justice Foundation for support of programs providing legal aid in general and specifically to Texas Veterans. The contribution will be distributed in two parts. $20,000 will be designated for housing, real estate, and probate matters and $10,000 will go towards veterans assistance matters. Other State Bar Sections have made monetary and in-kind contributions not only to Texas Access to Justice Foundation but also to other worthy causes.

The funds dedicated to veterans' issues will be used to address the demand for legal services at a time when many veterans are returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The funds will help increase, support and deliver civil legal services that help Texas veterans with many critical legal services such as family law, employment, housing, consumer, bankruptcy and probate as well as including filing claims for compensation or pensions. The funds will also help indigent veterans suffering from service-connected disabilities, and family members of living and deceased veterans apply for benefits. The funding for house, real estate, and probate matters will help remove obstacles to safe, affordable housing for thousands of struggling Texans.

Invite Others to Join REPTL
If you know other Texas attorneys who may be interested in joining REPTL, please forward this Email to them so they may conveniently and efficiently join this section. We look forward to continuing to serve the real estate, estate planning and probate practitioners of Texas.


Craig Adams
Adams & Coker, P.C.
Tyler, TX