2014-2015 GRANTS

Summary of Grants Awarded by the Public Service Committee During the 2014-2015 Bar Year
Advocate Legal Senior Center’s Pro Bono program offers an outreach program called “Land Day”. This program, devoted to indigent seniors, provides immediate access to legal services, and all information needed for their particular Land problem.
Awarded $3,400 to assist with expenses, staff paychecks and materials.
Disability Rights Texas helps people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law and, among other activities, works to maintain a Guardianship Manual, improve the DRTX website to ease navigation, and translate documents and handouts.
Awarded $6,000 to cover expenses required to maintain its Guardianship Manual.
Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program delivers free legal services to low-income residents of Harris County, with over 3,000 volunteer lawyers, they provide pro-bono legal representation for more than 5,000 county residents.
Awarded $2,000 to cover staff members to update their manual and cover publication costs for forms and handouts.
Texas Agricultural Land Trust’s objective is to introduce landowners to income and estate tax benefits of conservation easements. Their goal is to educate landowners in south central Texas about the use of conservation easements.
Awarded $14,000 to provide grants to landowners, and cover costs of workshop expenses and educational materials.
Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) is the leading statewide community development business law pro bono project linking transactional attorneys with nonprofits working to improve the quality of life for low-income Texas families.
Awarded $10,000 to fund community legal education materials and services, providing information vital to the preservation and transfer of assets in low and moderate income communities.
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid’s mission is to promote the dignity, self-sufficiency, safety and stability of low-income residents in 68 counties in South, Central, and West Texas by providing high-quality, free civil legal representation, advice, and related legal education.
Awarded $5,135 to fund a summer intern who will provide support to their housing team.
Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas is a non-profit organization that provides civil legal services to low-income people through attorney volunteers in Travis County, connecting persons with disabilities with medical and financial benefits, and keeping people out of homelessness by defending against wrongful evictions and foreclosures.
Awarded $6,000 to cover 100% of costs associated with running two Wills clinics for low-income families, including salaries of staff.