2012-2013 Grants

Summary of Grants Awarded by the Public Service Committee During the 2012-2013 Bar Year

Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid's mission is to promote the dignity, self-sufficiency, safety, and stability of low-income residents in 68 counties in South, Central, and West Texas by providing high-quality, free civil legal representation, advice, and related legal education.

Awarded $6,414 toward their Guardianship Project to conduct four outreach presentations on guardianship and alternatives to guardianship and provide direct legal services to clients with these issues.

Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR)
is the leading statewide community development business law pro bono project linking transactional attorneys with nonprofits working to improve the quality of life for low-income Texas families.

Awarded $5000 to publish and distribute a written guide on commercial lease issues for nonprofits to educate them about unnecessary and potentially catastrophic conflicts in the landlord-tenant relationship. Also awarded $5000 to support their general mission and activities. Total award $10,000.

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
serves 114 counties in north and west Texas by providing equal access to justice for people living in poverty through high-quality legal representation.

Awarded $7000 to provide seminars, educate applicant clients and to provide direct representation in probate and real estate matters. Also, awarded $1000 in travel expenses for a staff attorney to attend a foreclosure seminar for legal aid providers.

The Randall O
. Sorrels Legal Clinics - South Texas College of Law, serves Houston by providing students with hands-on opportunities to build and enhance their lawyering skills while developing a sense of professional identity and community responsibility.

Awarded $12,000 to support legal clinics that provide advice, counsel, education and short-term legal representation in the areas of probate and real estate law.