2013-2014 Grants

Summary of Grants Awarded by the Public Service Committee During the 2013-2014 Bar Year
Lone Star Legal Aid's mission is to aid Texans who cannot afford an attorney with complex legal issues like foreclosure to act as a safety net for indigent Texans.

Awarded $10,000 to fund the salary and benefits of a full-time staff attorney for their Foreclosure Prevention Project.

Tarrant County Bar Foundation supports and expands its commitments to "justice, service, and professionalism" by funding important community service projects such as legal services to needy citizens along with education to the public about their rights and responsibilities under the law.

Awarded $4,000 to enhance the document assembly program that is used by Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services in its Estate Planning Clinics.

Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) is the leading statewide community development business law pro bono project linking transactional attorneys with nonprofits working to improve the quality of life for low-income Texas families.

Awarded $10,000 for the creation and delivery of a mechanic's lien guide and PowerPoint presentation for laypersons and nonprofits.

Texas Legal Services Center
provides legal answers to older or disabled Texans through a hotline and public education.

Awarded $10,620 to bring their publications up to date.

Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid's
mission is to promote the dignity, self-sufficiency, safety ,and stability of low-income residents in 68 counties in South, Central, and West Texas by providing high-quality, free civil legal representation, advice, and related legal education

Awarded $5,450 to fund a summer intern who will provide support to their housing team.

Advocacy Resource Center for Housing
assists low-income individuals by providing strategic case management for landlord and tenant issues, education to tenants of their rights, and mediation/negotiation assistance.

Awarded $10,000 to update, improve, and professionally print their landlord/tenant brochures and guides.